Green Social Prescribing
Learn more about our partnership project with Shropshire Wildlife Trust and other organisations.
Connecting people with nature
Our belief in the benefits of moving more in nature has led to a strong, ongoing partnership with Shropshire Wildlife Trust. Together, we’re exploring the role of Green Social Prescribing at a system-wide level.
We’re proud to have secured UK Shared Prosperity Funding for this initiative until March 2025, with the goals shown opposite.
Build capacity
Build capacity through local partnerships between green activity providers and the health and social care system, ensuring local people can easily access green and blue spaces to improve their physical and mental health.
Strengthen and grow
Strengthen and grow the existing infrastructure for green activities by engaging with and enhancing local community assets.
Empower a network of Nature Buddies —befrienders who will support individuals taking their first steps into community activities.
Help local groups
Help local groups delivering green activities to become more resilient, inclusive, and able to fill gaps in local provision - this includes attracting investment for capital improvements through our partnership with Crowdfund Shropshire.
What is social prescribing?
Why is social prescribing important, and how can it help us? We love this video from our Green Social Prescribing team that explains it:
See more videos
Check out our videos designed to answer common questions for both activity providers and individuals attending a prescribed activity.
Resources to support you
Let’s Go Outside - our guide showcasing local green spaces to encourage more people to enjoy the outdoors and experience the health benefits of nature.
Guidance for activity providers interested in becoming a destination for social prescribing.
A flyer for Social Prescribers and Healthy Lives Advisors in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, to help inform patients about the mental and physical health benefits of spending time in nature.
Watch our videos designed to answer common questions.
The National Academy for Social Prescribing provides more information about the positive impact of social prescribing.
We work in partnership with...
Working together to help more people be active.

We'd love to hear from you.
If you have insights or ideas on improving access to green spaces or encouraging community engagement with nature, contact us.