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Welcome to Energize

We are a local charity and one of 43 organisations within the Active Partnerships network who work collaboratively with national and local partners to support as many people as possible to have an active lifestyle.

Our values are:





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Safeguarding Resources

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Encouraging movement in the health system

Energize educates system partners on the benefits of moving.

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Your Active Partnership


We are an Active Partnership, in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, and our vision is to one day
eliminate inactivity so that everyone can have the benefits of an active lifestyle. 

How are we working in Health?

Learn more about how we are positively changing lives.

Green Social Prescribing

Our belief in the benefits of moving more in nature has led to a strong, ongoing partnership with Shropshire Wildlife Trust.


Group meeting outdoors for a walk

Strength & Balance Programmes

Evidenced-based falls prevention for older adults across the county.


Strength & Balance Programmes

Moving Medicine

A movement FOR movement specifically designed to help healthcare professionals integrate physical activity conversations into routine clinical care.


Moving Medicine image

Get Yourself Active

We are working with Disability Rights UK on a pilot Get Yourself Active programme to address system change within adult social care.


People with chronic pain exercising

Donnington, Telford

We are working collaboratively with local organisations, groups and individuals in Donnington to get people moving more.


A physical activity in Donnington, Telford

Our approach to working in the health system

Our work across health has the same core focus as our work within communities and education - we aim to support those who need it most and create sustainable initiatives.

Green Social Prescribing

Energize works in partnership with organisations where our values are aligned and where we share the same goal to improve lives through physical activity.

12th May 8

Connecting people with nature

Our belief in the benefits of moving more in nature has led to a strong, ongoing partnership with Shropshire Wildlife Trust. Together, we’re exploring the role of Green Social Prescribing at a system-wide level. We’re proud to have secured UK Shared Prosperity Funding for this initiative until March 2025.

Want to learn more about Green Social Prescribing?

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Strength & Balance Programmes

We work with health systems and local communities to provide falls prevention programmes for people aged over 60 in Shropshire.

What are the proven benefits of Elevate evidence-based falls prevention classes?
  • They reduce the risk of falls by strengthening muscles to improve and maintain posture, coordination, and balance

  • Support independence

  • Decrease hospital admissions

  • Boost confidence

  • Enhance quality of life

  • Reduce social isolation

Referrals are welcomed from individuals themselves, healthcare providers, family members, or voluntary sector organisations, provided the person has given consent.

Join Elevate!
Elevate photo taken by Shropshire Star Oct 2022 - 1

Want to learn more about Strength & Balance Programmes?

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Ward 27 Patient flow and capacity pilot

We have recently been involved in a new pilot at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, which is in line with the #EndPJParalysis and Recondition the Nation movements. Our aims were to: 

Reduce falls risk for inpatients, through educating patients and NHS staff around safe, effective, and appropriate exercise.

Support the re-conditioning of patients.

Minimise patient re-admission to hospital.

Reduce the length of hospital stays.
Improve signposting to the most appropriate services within the community setting, a multi-disciplinary approach including external partners, to include but not limited to exercise, social engagement, and mental wellbeing.


SaTH logo

EndPJParalysis logo

Recondition the nation


Moving Medicine logo

Moving Medicine

A movement FOR movement specifically designed to help healthcare professionals integrate physical activity conversations into routine clinical care.

Did you know? Around 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 women are not achieving recommended levels of activity for good health. And people with long term conditions are twice as likely to be amongst the least active.

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Physical activity in the perioperative period (CPOC)

Staying active is one of the best things that patients can do whilst waiting for surgery. Those who get fitter before surgery lower their risk of complications, leading to less time in intensive care, shorter bed stays and better outcomes. 

Top tips for everyone include: 

  Remember how important this is, for your future self.  It is more dangerous to be inactive than to do some activity
  Pick an activity that works for you (swimming, cycling, brisk walking, etc)
  Get family, friends, partner involved
Set goals and mini-rewards
Start slowly and build up: intensity, frequency and duration
It is almost always safer to be active than to remain physically inactive
Stop if you: get heart pain, an irregular heartbeat, dizziness or a sudden change in vision; or if you feel unwell.


Visit Centre For Perioperative Care for more information.  


Sport England




Disabled adults - Sport England

Get Yourself Active

Energize are committed to support relevant national campaigns which align with our vision to eliminate inactivity and in particular support those who need it most.

We’re working with Disability Rights UK on a pilot project in both Shropshire, and Telford & Wrekin, called Get Yourself Active. Through policy change, workforce development, and enhancing the skills and strengths of our community workforce, we’re committed to making a real difference within the adult social care system by tackling inactivity.

The aim is to increase the number of people with lived experience of disability, mental health and long-term health conditions to move more in a way that suits them. 

This is a 12 month programme starting from March 2025 with co-production and incorporating lived experiences at every stage of development and implementation.

If you're interested in being involved or want to hear more, email Michelle.


Get Yourself Active  Moving Social Work  Disability-Rights-UK-logo   


Donnington, Telford

We are working collaboratively with local organisations, groups and residents to overcome the specific barriers to physical activity that exist in Donnington. 

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Line Dancing class at at Donnington, Telford

Encouraging movement in the Health sector

The individuals who stand to gain the MOST from increased physical activity are often those who are currently the LEAST active. Integrating even a few more minutes of physical activity into daily routines can lead to significant improvements in both physical and mental health and can enhance outcomes in managing various chronic health conditions. This is why our priority is to ELIMINATE INACTIVITY in order to promote better health outcomes for all. 

Get in touch with us

If you want to learn more about how Energize can help you and your healthcare provision get in touch.

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